     I chose to do my lesson on a fifth grade Early Indian Civilization project.  The students have 2 weeks to complete this project.  They will be divided into groups.  Each group will have subtopics that are assigned to the individual student.  Each student will need to write 3 paragraphs for per subtopic.  The students are to write their paragraphs in google docs. They are required to have at least one image and at least one video with their wiki post.  Students are also to make a power point presentation with their images and videos and they are to post it to the classroom wiki.   

The theme of the project isRegions and People of the Western Hemisphere

The students are to write about:Early Indian civilizations (Maya, Inca, Aztec, Mississippian) existed in the Western Hemisphere prior to the arrival of Europeans. These civilizations had developed unique governments, social structures, religions, technologies, and agricultural practices and products.

     I think before this class I would have never done a wiki.  I wouldn't have done a wiki because I was not educated on how to do one with my class.  Where as now, I really like the wiki and find it easier to grade than papers.  I would have had students get into cooperative learning groups and write their rough draft on paper with the students later typing their papers on the in Word.  
     My planning has changed because everything is done online.  It is so much more accessible for me and my students.  It cuts down on printing out paper which is a big issue at my school.  My thinking has changed because I know students love the computer and why not work with that instead of against it.  I am always looking for new ways to educate my students especially when it involves something they are familiar with and something they like.  
     The benefits of both of lessons would be that the students are collaborating, organizing, and learning. 
      When adding more technology into the students' project it allows a sense of ease.  Organizing the paper becomes easier with the google docs.  The collaboration becomes less of a face to face situation which can be terrifying for some students.  The learning becomes more involved because students respond different to computer text than they do to book written text.  I would rather work with the student rather than against them.  Technology is what these students really like doing and I like implementing it in my classroom.  Personally, I really like using the wiki.  It helps me stay organized, everything is online which is easier to keep track of and carry with me.  It allows my students and I to be more involved and creative together.